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Send offline class verification : WaMod

Send offline class verification : WaMod

West Java Education Office  implements online learning amid pandemic


During a pandemic like today,  the West Java Education Office will also take  a number  of measures so that the learning process continues to run well.  Even in every region,  they also implement a new  learning process in order for students to achieve a curriculum for graduation and increment.


Some schools, especially vocational schools, themselves implement the learning process face-to-face. However, this applies only to some places and especially to practical subjects. The reason is that in this vocational school, skills are important things that students need to have.


In the meantime, the practice process is also carried out directly face-to-face.  In addition, West Java Education  offers a lot of help to students who can’t afford it  so that they can continue to study,  such as providing free devices  and  free data quotas for  teachers and students.


But the introduction of this new learning made many parents complain. Because they were not able to teach their children certain lessons that they did not know. Especially for students who are unable to run  this new learning system . The government is working on direct learning by using several key points.


Online learning during the Covid pandemic


In fact, the Covid-19 pandemic since 2020 has actually had an impact on many sectors. Including the education sector, it is suffering. Students and students who are still in  school should feel the impact either by going to home school or through online learning. The project is conducted in every school.


Similar to the West Java Education Office, it implements  an online school program for all students in West Java.  This policy is actually being implemented throughout Indonesia, and even in all educational institutions around the world. Initially, learning was carried out in a face-to-face manner, but that has changed due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.


This home-based learning is carried out to provide learners with a new experience. Nevertheless, even if it runs remotely, educators can achieve the goal of curriculum enhancement and graduation has to be implemented. However, this new learning method received a lot of negative responses.


Especially from the guardian’s parents. Unable to participate in online learning activities implemented by  the West  Java Education Office and other regions  , many of them complained of harassment.  A few people don’t want this to stop online learning and return face-to-face.


Since it uses the Internet, it definitely requires allocation data. Meanwhile, the government is also providing free quota to students and teachers. This will reduce the burden during the learning process during the current pandemic.  Internet allocation also provides assistance for the smooth learning process itself  in West Java.


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Now that the new normal is being implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic,  the government and the West Java Education Office are implementing a new program, namely  , to carry out  learning using a  face-to-face method. But still some rules are being imposed in implementing this learning process.   So it can still reduce Covid cases.


Although the location of the school is in the green zone, it has not yet been implemented directly face-to-face learning. Because there are still some points that need to be checked first. If the school meets the criteria, it can implement the project. Criteria such as schools are mandatory in the green zone.


The jam for face-to-face activities  is prioritized to students who are not supported by my internet network or referred to as blank points. So in fact not all learning places can implement this learning method amid the Covid-19 pandemic, even if it is included in the green zone area.


In the meantime, from the West Java Education Office , at the level of vocational high school or vocational high school, this face-to-face system will be the only subjects in practice – because if you want to get a certificate for your own skills, you must practice immediately.


Even teachers cannot directly participate in this learning process. There are also several points to consider. For example, the participants are  teachers under the age  of  45,  and there are no other diseases that could interfere with the learning process during this pandemic.


Vaccines for West Java educators


The West Java Education Office has proposed that educators  across  West Java  be vaccinated. Of course, vaccination   will be carried out in many more phases, especially for teaching staff who carry out face-to-face learning activities.


Not only   that, but this arrangement will also be given priority to elderly teachers. Vaccination levels provided by the government will also be given as per the plan. In fact,  it is very important that the vaccine for educators is used after  it is  used by medical staff.


Of course, it is being used so that the learning process can be carried out properly without anyone having COVID-19. In order to provide vaccines to teachers, it has been proposed according to the number of their own workers in West Java. Of course, SundEyeCon is first offered to  teachers who carry out live learning activities.


According to the West Java Education Office, for those participating in direct offline learning, they are not all of them. Only a few hundred of them have been adjusted to applicable rules. In fact, there are still many schools that cannot implement this learning because they are in places with high COVID-19 prevalence rates.


In order to accept the vaccine in order to work optimally, everyone who is about to be screened must first do a test. It is very important to apply so that it can be increased when administering the vaccine. Even if they have been given this injection, they still have to obey the health protocols.


Live learning process in West Java


The teaching and learning activities are  conducted directly by the West Java Education Office  and have prepared how the program is.  As far as this learning process is concerned, it is first  carried out in several phases with a focus on  the spread zone and prevention efforts and preparedness in  the region.


Although this face-to-face learning activity is carried out, it also follows a policy that supports the safety of students or teachers. This is an important and important point that every party should consider. Every school that uses this method should be prepared for many things.


Superintendents from the education department will see later how the school’s preparedness is. Of course, it joins the village headman and the local sub-district head. If there are many other defects, it should have been fitted first. However, if the school has fulfilled all the necessary requirements, it can be reported directly to the department.


To implement learning, a mixed learning method will be used.  There the latter students will study to live in school alternately or in shifts.  Therefore, according to the rules, a class will be divided into two or three.   The West Java Education Office has certainly prepared things that can reduce the spread of Covid.

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